Vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish
Vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish

vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish

If the child is speaking in sentences already, you can try having the child create sentences with the target word. Once the child is able to do this, you have a few options.You may have to model this for him several times before he’s able to do this on his own. For example, you can have the child say a word in front of the target word, such as saying “my ball, my bat” or “want shoe, want cow”. When the child can say these words on his own most of the time, have him say them in two-word phrases.If he cannot say the word, go back to imitation for that one and have him repeat it back after you. If he can say the word, praise him and move to the next one. Hold up one of the pictures and say “what’s this?”. Once the child can imitate the words back to you most of the time with all of their sounds (it’s ok if they’re missing a few of the harder sounds like /r/ and /l/), have the child say the words on his own.You can do this while taking turns in a game or while playing with a favorite toy (for example, you could make him say a few words before he gets another piece of the train). Practice it a few times until it sounds pretty good and then move on to the next word. First, have the child imitate the word after you.How do we practice the cards we chose to start with? Focus on teaching him that particular sound. As you go through this process, if the child is able to say all of those words, go back through and write down which particular sounds the child had trouble with when saying these words.If the child cannot say these words correctly most of the time, use this deck to start. Once the child is able to say the CVC words most of the time, move on to the consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel (CVCV) deck.If he cannot say these words most of the time, choose this deck to start with. Ask the child “what’s this” for these words. Once the child is able to say the CV and VC words most of the time, move on to the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) deck.If not, these will be the decks you start with. See if the child can say the word on his own. Hold up each picture and ask the child “what’s this?”. First, start with the consonant-vowel (CV) and vowel-consonant (VC) word cards.How do I choose which cards to start with?

vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish

You can always move to more difficult words later when the child is ready. If the child is difficult to understand and you’re not sure why, these cards are a good place to start. For example, children with apraxia of speech, autism, Down Syndrome, and severe phonological processes are all good fits for these cards as long as they are still working on putting together sounds to form simple words. The children who would benefit most from using these decks of cards are children who have multiple speech errors and have difficulty putting together simple words such as these. Who would benefit from using these cards? Therefore, “shoe” would be an example of a consonant-vowel (CV) word. (Spelling in the English language is so much fun, right?). For example, the word “shoe” is made up of four letters but only two sounds because the “s” and “h” go together to make the “sh” sound and the “o” and the “e” go together to make the “oo” sound. You will notice that the consonants and vowels used here describe the sounds in the word, not necessarily the letters. The four types present in these decks are consonant-vowel (CV, like “cow”), vowel-consonant (VC, like “up”), consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC, like “cup”), and consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel (CVCV, like “baby”). The cards in this deck are organized by word structure type.

vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish

Sort cards by type (CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV) as needed and follow the directions for the speech activities on the next page.Īrticulation Cards CV, VC, CVC, CVCV Words Included: Consonant-Vowel (CV Words):Ĭonsonant-Vowel-Consonant Words (CVC Words):Ĭonsonant-Vowel-Consonant-Vowel (CVCV Words):Īrticulation Cards CV, VC, CVC, CVCV Word Speech Activities: How are the words organized?.Cut out each card along the green lines.(Note: you can also do this after you cut the cards out if your lamination needs to be sealed around the edges) Laminate each page if desired for additional protection.If you print them in order, the back of each card will label whether the word is a CV, VC, CVC, or CVCV word. Print out the following pages on the front and back sides of the paper.Here’s what you’ll need to put together these articulation flashcards. Articulation Cards CV, VC, CVC, CVCV Words Assembly Instructions:

Vc cvc syllable shapes in spanish